About the Journal
Journal of Regional and Rural Studies (RRS) is an international journal, the scientific field of General Engineering within the boundaries of the field of expertise which contains the results of research-based activities which include new concepts, theories, methods, and techniques related to regional and rural planning, urban planning, socio-economic, social capital, and community development. For more information, please read the Journal Description and sidebar menu.
Journal title : Journal of Regional and Rural Studies
Abbreviation : RRS
ISSN : 2988-4799
DOI Prefix : 10.21776/ub.rrs
Type of peer-review : Double Blind
Indexing : see here
Frequency : twice a year
Editors: see Editorial Team
Journal cover: get here
Current Issue
The author's countries are Australia (Queensland University), Bangladesh (Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources), Canada (University of Alberta), China (University of Science and Technology Hebei), Hungary (University of Debrecen), Indonesia (Dinas Perumahan Rakyat, Kawasan Permukiman dan Cipta Karya Provinsi Jawa Timur; Institut Teknologi Nasional; Institut Teknologi Sumatera; Planning, Development and Research Agency (Bappeda) East Java Province; UIN Syarif Hidayatullah; Universitas Brawijaya; Universitas Diponegoro; Universitas Jember; Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin; Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram; Universitas Terbuka), Japan (Kyoto University), Pakistan (University of Agriculture), Solomon Islands (Solomon Islands National University), South Africa (University of the Free State), Zambia (Rusangu University)